Thermal effect analysis of different curtain materials on heating rooms in western Sichuan

Cao Gengshuo, Huang Yi, Liu Yong and Wang Yong


Based on a residential building in Kangding city, establishes the calculation models of heat gain and loss of outer window and cold radiation heat loss at night according to the heat transfer process of outer windows. The theoretical calculation results show that due to the regulation and control of curtains, the mean net heat gain of the room can be increased by 20%. Compared with the curtainless condition, the radiation heat transfer of the outer window with the curtains made of flannelette and aluminized film materials at night can be reduced by 43% and 65%, respectively. The theoretical and measured data show that the indoor temperature can be raised by 1 ℃ to 3 ℃ using curtains of different materials, and the regulation of curtains plays a significant role in the improvement of indoor temperature and indoor thermal environment.